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Title: Construção sustentável: revestimentos e pisos para a indústria civil à base de PEAD e resíduos de rocha ornamental
View/OpenPedro Afonso de Moraes Paes.pdf ( 929.44 kB )
Other Titles: Sustainable construction: coatings and flooring for the civil industry based on HDPE and dimensional stone waste
Author: Paes, Pedro Afonso de Moraes
Ribeiro, Roberto Carlos da Conceição
Bastos, Daniele Cruz
Keywords: Resíduos de rochas ornamentais
Mármore Bege Bahia
Rio Grande do Norte
Bege Bahia Limestone
Dimension stone waste
Date of Public.: 2024
Publisher: CETEM/MCTI
ISBN: 978-65-5919-011-9
ISSN: 0104-6373
Appears in Collections:Jornada de Iniciação Científica

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